Human Resources Manager – Virtual Intern

Job Description

●    Tasks include replying to applicant’s emails, screening replies, and scheduling interviews by senior HR staff

●    Post job ads on general career websites, university, and college career websites, and internship websites

●    Develop relationships with universities and colleges that have intern programs

●    Headhunting for a different position


●    Bachelor degree in any discipline

●    You are studying for or have a university degree.

●    You shall be keen to learn, willing to work hard, maintaining productivity, and committed to the job.


Benefits of this Internship Include

●    It offers you real-world work experiences at an internationally reputable high-tech company;

●    You learn real-world knowledge, work ethics, team spirits;

●    You will receive 2 certificates;

●    You will be more much employable and competitive in the job market; and

●    You can take this intern from anywhere, including your home.

আবেদন Human Resources Manager – Virtual Intern.

চাকরি খালি আছে Human Resources Manager – Virtual Intern এবং Human Resources Manager – Virtual Intern বেতন.
