Frontend Developer

At Expero, we build complex, reactive web applications for expert users: scientists, traders, engineers. If you enjoy lighting up a screen with an intricate 3D scene, a carefully constructed portfolio of trades, or a detailed electronic schematic, then you’d enjoy working on the kinds of projects we tackle. We use React and Redux to build front-end applications against a variety of back-ends.

We’re consultants, so while we have preferences, we also have the privilege of working with many clients’ tech stacks, which means getting good at JavaScript, ES6, TypeScript, Node, ASP.NET, Python, Java, Spring, D3, Kendo, Telerik, OpenFin, WebGL, Knockout, ReactiveJS, Vue, and Angular, among other things.

We believe in having great people in every position. In this position you will take interaction designs and wireframes produced by our world-class user experience designers, and turn them into front-end components for our architects and back-end developers to integrate into fully-functional products. Our teams debate screen layouts, user interactions, supercomputer configuration, and big data architecture with equal intensity to make sure we get things right.

We’ve got offices in Houston and Austin, but we have also figured out a strong remote-friendly culture, with 1/2 of the company pitching in from as far afield as the Canary Islands.


  • Passionate and fast learner
  • Knowledge and experience with one or more Javascript frameworks such as React or Vue
  • Experience and opinions about one or more of the animals in the JavaScript zoo: Webpack, ES6, TypeScript, ClojureScript, Grunt, Elm, Redux, Tailwind
  • Expert with HTML5, CSS and modern web design standards

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