Faculty Leader Language & Literature – British School Jakarta


Faculty Leader Language & Literature – British School Jakarta


Core Purpose :

To provide effective leadership and management to secure high quality learning and teaching, effective use of resources and improved standards and achievement for all students.

To lead the curriculum area and contribute to Whole School development and school improvement as a member of the Middle Leadership Team.

To establish and maintain a positive faculty ethos focused on providing enjoyable and challenging learning opportunities for students.

General duties and responsibilities :

  • Carry out the duties of an Overseas Hired Teacher as per the Core Competence and as set out in the Personnel Manual.
  • To actively promote the well- being of all students and be familiar with, and uphold all, Safeguarding policies and Child Protection procedures within the school.
  • To take responsibility for upholding Health and Safety practice within your own working area and be responsible for completing risk assessments / near misses as appropriate

Curriculum Leadership and Management :

  • To embed the school Mission and Guiding Principles into daily practice, providing strong leadership and inspiring a shared vision for the faculty.
  • To ensure that curriculum provision follows the agreed Curriculum Model of IB MYP, IGCSE, IB DP and IB CP level (as appropriate) and articulate the curriculum offered and skills included at each level to all stakeholders.
  • To produce, monitor and evaluate a †forward- thinking’ annual Faculty Improvement Plan focused on teaching and learning, in consultation with the Faculty and line manager, which incorporates improvement areas identified in the Whole School Improvement Plan.
  • To effectively manage change.
  • To ensure that all members of the faculty are effectively inducted into the school, clear about their role and responsibilities within the faculty and of the professional expectations of the school.
  • To build and sustain a cohesive and collaborative faculty team, providing both support and challenge to enable best practice in teaching and learning and support staff well-being.
  • To ensure that line management processes and procedures are followed as per school policy within the faculty and that cause for concern is raised, discussed and acted upon with the agreement of the line manager.
  • To ensure that effective curriculum planning is in place and is regularly evaluated and reviewed by members of the faculty adhering to school policy.
  • To ensure that the faculty meets school expectations in the use of performance data to track student performance.
  • To monitor assessment practices within the faculty ensuring that school policy is followed and that teachers are cognisant in the use of assessment and moderation.
  • To conduct an annual Examinations Review of IGCSE and IB results under the guidance of the Assistant Head Curriculum and Assessment , analysing data to identify, strengths, trends and areas for targeted improvement.
  • To carry out a †Faculty Review’ as required with the support of the line manager and produce an annular strategic plan for the faculty.
  • To ensure that the faculty meets all academic reporting deadlines and that reports are accurate, personalised and quality assured within the deadline given.
  • To lead and manage associated faculty staff, e.g. technicians and assistants, ensuring that human resources are fully and effectively utilised.
  • To liaise regularly with the relevant Primary Curriculum Co-ordinator to develop continuity and progression of knowledge and skills Key Stage 2 to 3, building productive links.
  • To attend calendared Middle Leader Meetings and briefings as required throughout the academic year.
  • To contribute to school evaluation processes as appropriate, e.g. IB Review, CIS Accreditation processes.
  • To work collaboratively with Middle Leaders and the wider community to create and plan opportunities for contextualising learning and developing interdisciplinary learning experiences for students.
  • To develop positive, professional relationships with colleagues, students, parents and all stakeholders, promoting learning and achievement within the faculty and school.

Teaching and Learning

  • To model excellent practice in teaching and learning.
  • To promote the use of evidence based research in teaching and learning within the faculty.
  • To monitor the quality of teaching and learning in the faculty and follows the QAMs (Quality Assurance Mechanisms) schedule for the Secondary school.
  • To obtain constructive student feedback on learning and address areas of improvement
  • To ensure that the needs of all learners are catered for within the faculty through on-going collaboration with the IN & GMAT coordinator and that effective differentiation is embedded into learning.
  • To ensure that staff are integrating technology into learning as appropriate.
  • To monitor the consistency and quality of homework across the faculty on a regular basis.
  • To ensure that the faculty follows the school Behaviour Management Policy; using the correct lines of communication to raise concern and work collaboratively with Wellbeing Tutors, Wellbeing Leaders and Assistant Heads.
  • To ensure that effective target setting is carried out within the faculty enabling all students to clearly understand their current progress and the steps needed to progress.
  • To ensure that student underperformance is identified and that appropriate action is taken to provide additional support (intervention).
  • To ensure that all students receive regular and constructive written feedback on learning and carry out regular scrutinise of student work in the faculty, addressing any concern effectively.

To monitor feedback given on Managebac by faculty members

  • To lead the sharing of good practice within the faculty through, for example, the organisation of peer lesson observations.
  • To ensure that staff development needs are identified, supported (reasonably) and evaluated for impact on student learning and the faculty.

Learning Environment

  • To ensure that Faculty teaching rooms and Faculty Areas provide a safe and stimulating environment.
  • To ensure that teaching rooms and Faculty Areas are visually appealing and regularly updated.

Administration and Communication :

  • To liaise with the Deputy Head of Secondary in the creation of the school timetable.
  • To allocate students to teaching groups and manage the movement of students between sets as appropriate, explaining changes to students and parents in a timely manner and initiating the updating of the iSAMs database.
  • To ensure that all external examination entry documentation is completed as directed by the Examinations Officer, including recommendations for Examination re-sits and that deadlines are met for submitting examination papers for all internal examinations.
  • To ensure that the Faculty Handbook is an up to date and effective reference point for staff and aligns with school policy and the Secondary A to Z.
  • To create effective channels of communication within the faculty.
  • To ensure that Faculty Meetings are well planned and focused on teaching and learning and that meeting minutes are shared with the Secondary Senior Leadership Team.
  • To manage the faculty budget and resources in consultation with the faculty, ensuring that budgeting is strategically aligned with improvement needed.
  • To ensure that curriculum guides present accurate information on programmes of study for IB MYP, IGCSE, IB DP and IB CP (as appropriate) and that information on the school website is accurate and updated as required.
  • Any other task as reasonably required by the Head of Secondary


Faculty Leader Language & Literature – British School Jakarta



Faculty Leader Language & Literature – British School Jakarta

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Faculty Leader Language & Literature – British School Jakarta

